Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 60 ~ Potential worldwide ruination, while the powers to be place blame.

Yes, I watched those hearings the other day (BP). And, well.....interesting to say the least! BPs CEO Tony Hayward refuses to accept full responsiblity??? Even though they had the questions that were to be ask in advance, he still refuse to answer alot of them. Acting as if he didn't have or know the answer. I believe a congressperson even call it, for what it was....Stonewalling! Though he did acknowledge that he regrets the impact of their oil spill has had on the gulf region. It almost seemed like he really believes his company is not responsible for this disaster.

Just goes to show the irrogance of humans when it come to responsiblity to protect earth. Man continues to act as if he is the big boss, as if he is has the power of the universe.

It's been two months, and an obvious serious environmental issue plaques the oceans that sustain our very lives. And those that should be stepping up to the plate, are lollygagging as a potential worldwide ruination
of our planet sits at our doorstep.

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