Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 72 ~ Effected wildlife! What will happen?

An estimated 35,000 to 60,000 barrels per day leak rate spewing into gulf. (Well over, 1 million gallon). Total oil recovered approximately 25,223 barrels as of 6/29/10.

Effected wildlife 

So. Africa wild

Wildlife & landscape

Friday, June 25, 2010

MJ........also had L ♥ V E for Life!

One year ago, the world was receivimg comfirmation, that Michael Jackson had indeed, past on. Like many across this planet, where he had touch so many, I too, felt a sense of great loss.

   In my lifetime, this human being, who I never got to meet in person, nor see in a  live show. Was in fact, a part of my lifehood. From the time, I danced off his music in an talent show (3rd gr.) thru my high school years, where the LP  "Off the Wall"  was in fact, off the wall!    Thru my early days of DJing and I was sure to be entertained by his latest groundbreaking video releases...

"Thriller"  "Remember the Time"  "Smooth Criminal"

   He is, simply, a "GREAT Entertainer"This is his gift, this is, in part, what made him, Michael Jackson.
   As some media outlets, would like to stir up the kettle with drama & scandel. To me, Micheal Jackson entertained me completely!

"I don't care about the negative or inflamed bio version of this human being life.
What he left is a wonderful legacy, full of  musical, visual inspriration with a side of mystery"

What he left  to humanity......? 
"We are The World" & "Earth Song"

This is how I chose to see & respect this human being. May the Angels wings shield & protect his children.....Paris, Prince & Blanket and the amazing life he gave to us.

"Heaven must have needed U More"

On june 25 2009,

The Angels descended unto the earth
Your spirit and soul shown radiantly brilliant...
making it ever so facile to locate your presence
Here now, to take you home where you belong

Micheal, we mourn U from every corner of this earth
Without question & with no denying the impact you've instill
Quietly, the Angels glide U across these endless galaxies
Home......Heaven must have needed U Now

One of the few, who touched our views, our perspectives
Enriching our lives, for those who watched & listened
Giving us....Song, Dance, Mystery & Love
Inviting our imagination to explore infinite possibilities

You are.....and shall be admired, adored and  never forgotten
Yes, it is our loss here in this place & time
So, ascend amongst the Angels with NO despair
For your work & destiny has now been ordained

See.......Heaven must have needed U more

© Sony BMG

No tears, pains nor sorrows to interfere with your compassion
We know your at peace now but not alone
Sing & dance under the protected wings of His Angels
Knowing the light you shined, reached across all humanity
Leaving us a blueprint of inspiration & knowledge
Blessing all, with wisdom & awareness through sound & vision

..............Heaven must have needed U now

As mere mortals, many may not have gotten it, but I did!
Sustain our God giving child like ways
 their innocence, purity, curiousity & wonder
translated .......... "We are all Gods children"
As this is true & the children are our future
Everyday, remember to let them be just that.......children

Smile, Micheal, Smile........its your time 2 Smile
Yes........Heaven must have needed U more

by Andrew "PeaceMaker"" Hayes Copyright © July 2009

In Loving memory ~ Farrah Fawcett

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 60 ~ Potential worldwide ruination, while the powers to be place blame.

Yes, I watched those hearings the other day (BP). And, well.....interesting to say the least! BPs CEO Tony Hayward refuses to accept full responsiblity??? Even though they had the questions that were to be ask in advance, he still refuse to answer alot of them. Acting as if he didn't have or know the answer. I believe a congressperson even call it, for what it was....Stonewalling! Though he did acknowledge that he regrets the impact of their oil spill has had on the gulf region. It almost seemed like he really believes his company is not responsible for this disaster.

Just goes to show the irrogance of humans when it come to responsiblity to protect earth. Man continues to act as if he is the big boss, as if he is has the power of the universe.

It's been two months, and an obvious serious environmental issue plaques the oceans that sustain our very lives. And those that should be stepping up to the plate, are lollygagging as a potential worldwide ruination
of our planet sits at our doorstep.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Containment progress slow as environmental & wildlife danger grows

I know that this Oil spill is without a doubt a very serious matter. I do not wish to disrespect anyone or anything in light of the potential negative aftermath surrounding the disaster. But,  I have to say when watching this video, I could not help but picture them  (BP) as they look at how in (hind-sight) their actions look now!

Sorry,  you have to admit, it not only touches the funny bone, but there is a slight message to BP in this as well.

Funny skit on BPs Think tank

Wild life affected by the oil spill

AS well, I Iike to throw in a litte conspiracy to keep everyone on their toes!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 55 ~ Its Sunday, so I'm going to have to take you all to Church for a bit

  Not that I am going to push any faith onto anyone. But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that we can only take so much from this planet before something has to give.

    After millions of years in development, EARTH, has provided us with all that we need to survive. That everything was in its place to sustain ALL of her (earths) inhabitants. But, our greed & ignorance have impacted this planet in such way, that it is really unpredicable what our true outcome will be.

   No matter how you want to look at it, whether from a religious stand point or simply common sense. One can not keep taken from and not give back without expecting it to be abused, cut-off or depleted.

FACT ~ The RAINFORESTS at one time,  roughly covered 14% of this planets land mass; today approx. 6% remains and could very well be depleted within our children lifetime.

Whats really disturbing,  is these are well  documented facts. We humans proceed to act as if she will continue to provide for us. We can not be that blind..or can we????

I am a regular to the Animal Planet & Discovery Channel . Tonight, my son & I were watching Whale Wars . Now, it clear that whales are an endangered wildlife, but despite the clear knowledge about these animals, countries such as Japan still feels it Ok to kill 50 (thats their quota ~ 825 minke whales and 50 sperm whales every year for ten years) sperm whales under a scientific permit.  A  proposal they issued to themself for  science experiments. So, they say!

But, if you know something is on the verge of extinction, why than would you proceed to kill more??? 

Talk about human Greed & ignorance!

This video, I just had to put up to represent ~
 If you don't believe in something, you are sure to fall for anything. Does this oil spill resemble biblical prophesy? Can that redish of the oil sheen be interpreted as blood?

Whatever your belief, as humans we should be ashamed for not seeing the potential
for disaster long before the Great Gulf Oil spill! I believe at the very least,
this should be a wake-up call

This weekend BP was issue a statement by the US Coast Guard, to come up with plan that would speed up this oil recovery/plug. This has to be turn over by Monday (they originally had 48hrs) BPs response was "We will double our efforts" ??? My reaction was, double your effort as oppose to what. Its going on day 56, shouldn't they already be in like triple speed mode????

Things that make you go uummm?

I just had to add some conspiracy to the mix. So I found this. I wouldn't
 take it to lightly though, cause you never know.
When we least suspect it........

I would like to send my thoughts, prayer & condolences to the families & friends of those who lost their lives in this weekends flash floods that swept through an Arkansas Campground

Search for Bible Disasters

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 53 ~ We must get back to the beauty of our planet

The last couple of entries has really put a emphasis on what we as human being can do to this planet.

   How much more can we do to damage the very planet that sustains all our species of life. I am constantly amazed with all the intelligence we as humans have been gifted with, we still clouds our minds with such greed & ignorance.

   First, the latest estimates on the amount of oil pouring into the Gulf is now 5x that of originally forecasted by BP. This does not include the re-calculations based upon the new High definition (HD) camaras now being viewed by scientist. Which could mean 42 million to 84 million gallons of oil has been leaking  into the Gulf of Mexico.

    Many times in my life, when I was heading down the wrong path, I received signs. Now, I am not talking burning bush type signs, but little hints that I needed to try a different avenue. Choose a differnt way of doing something. This oil spill, I pray is a sign to us, that we have got to back ourselve up. And reevaluate what we are doing to this planet.

The prudential for this disaster to reach catastrophic proportion is knocking at our door.
How many more of these corperate sponsored disaster will it take before this planet is put into an out of control tail spin towards an apocalyptic event.

   Now, after a few days of these entries, its easy to get lost in all the negativity of these oil spill. This is an ulgy sight, thats for sure. The sooner we get this under control the better, thats for sure.
    But, lets not forget the beauty that must be shown, so that we can get an understanding about what we could be losing. What we are destroying. What we are tearing apart from our childrens future. The fact remains, is this is the only planet we know, that we have access to, that sustain our way of living.  "I guess now, we just need to figure out how to live in a way that is sustainable to our planet"

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On day 52

The fact of the matter is that today, stuff-selling mega-corporations have a huge influence on our daily lives. And because of the competitive nature of our global economy, these corporations are generally only concerned with one thing - the bottom line. That is, maximizing profit, regardless of the social or environmental costs.~ David Suzuk

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 50 Gulf Oil Disaster Impacting Wildlife Off Florida

Search for environmental disasters

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog WeHitblog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day ~ 48 Spill, reaching coast of Alabama, Louisiana & Florida

 Search for Going green

I continue to see BP's effort to siphon off as much of this oil as possible.

So lets see, They manage to get a cap on (containment cap), even though this cap has valve (vents) that could open & close. They were not able to get a cap on that would stop the flow completely???
I'm not going conspiracy theory on this, but it looks to me like once again, greed is the driving force here.

So, as thousands of gallons of oil is siphoned on to waiting ships. Around 10,00+ barrel a day. 3/4 of the oil gushing out of this well is still spilling aimlessly into the Gulf. I sure that they really want to stop this leak. But i"m pretty sure there are a handful of top executive that have pressure some to do just that, recover as oil as possible, while proceeding to cap off this well.

Meanwhile, it will be months (August) before a permanent stop to this massive leak is expected! Is it just me, or does this seem a bit unacceptable, due to the amount of oil leaking each day! You mean to tell me that they want to have this well spewing oil for several more months into the Gulf??? I'm just not getting this.

Now I would like to tip my hat to those who have volunteered, the many thousands, who are down there to the Gulf, on the beaches and providing support. This is a daunting task on a mega scale, but your principal goal is to protect the ocean, lands & wildlife cause by this disaster. And we salute you all!

Want to HELP with the Gulf Oil spill ~ Find out what you can do to help >>>

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

This could be what our planet ends up looking like in the future :^(

This is the kind of damage we have done to this planet within the last 200 ~ 300 years. Think it's getting any better.
I know I wont be around another 200 years, but my Great~grandkids will be. What will we leave them. How many Lions, Tigers or Whales will be living in their natural habitat? Greed & ignorance will surely destroy this planet!

Lets do something, lets do something TODAY!

Our Childrens children will appreciate us!

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 46 Gulf Oil Spill - Cap will only restrict oil flow not stop leak!

Video Blog entry June 4th 2010

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 44 ~ Affects of oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico

Gulf oil spill now reaching Alabama, Misssissippi. May hit Florida next week.

The affects of oil spills on the marine environment has been carefully documented, especially since the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989. The oil that enter the ocean can come from different sources, accidental spills or leaks.

When oil is spilled like the one in the gulf , most of the volatile compounds evaporate quickly. The oil, however, remains floating on the surface of the water, and starts to disperse, forming a very thin film which can cover large areas of water.

One of the major concerns with this oil spills, is the effect on marine life. Which is essentially suffocating the plants and animals. Oil prevents oxygen and water exchange, causing the plants to die. Oil on the flesh of birds & mammals can literally kill them through suffocation. This layer of oil on birds feather or furry mammals like otters & seals can also strip away the birds water resistant coating. Including making it hard for them to fly. Clams, mussels & oysters can quickly accumulate toxins which can kill the animals or passed it up the food chain.

Oil spills disrupt the ability to breed, reproduce, grow, or perform other vital functions. These toxins can also cause cancers and other illnesses in the long term. This spill puts at risk such endangered species as Kemp's ridley sea turtles & Atlantic bluefin tuna, as well as the Gulf of Mexico's 8,300 other creatures from plankton to birds.
Expects say that on the seabed, where this oil has been spewing since April, is cold, around 40 degrees. Which won't allow the bacteria that breaksdown oil naturally as it would if were in shallower waters.

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners