Sunday, May 30, 2010

* Top Kill" appears to NOT have worked!

As, I watched BP's news conference yesterday, It appears that they were saying a whole lot of nothing. For good reason, this new attempt to stop this oil spill has apparently failed.

   I guess it was a good attempt, but I had suspected with pressure needed to force that oil back would be quite difficult. And now, they are on to another plan, which by the way will be another 4days to one week.

   I still have a hard time understanding Why this major oil company didn't have an emergency plan for this type of accident.
   With so much profit that they bring in, the technology &; brain power at they disposal......WHY!

We pray, for the sake of all the people & wildlife of that region, that they produce a positive outcome with this attempt.

Wishng all a wonderful Memorial Day Holiday

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Friday, May 28, 2010

What a complete mess! 37 days & counting.....

In the last few days as we wait to see if and when this "Top Kill" will work. (Apparently, its not) We've learn that this is in fact, the largest oil spill recorded! Almost 2-3 times that of Esson Veldez and steady climbing. Estimated 17,000 - 39,000 million gallon to date, where BP's est. was at 11 million. So of course, the companies not going to give off the worse case estimate. They want to protect their brand name. It will however , bite them in the butt in the days & years to come. Because it will all come forth, in the inquires that will be sure to follow.

Still the impact of this on the enviroment will be unspeakable. The lost of wildlife, economics and even the political ramifications will sure endure long after they plug this leak.

N.W.F. reports about 150 threatened or endangered sea turtles are dead. Some 316 sea birds, mostly brown pelicans & northern gannets, have been found dead along the Gulf Coast as a result of the spreading oil. I've heard about some endanger turtles that had to be relocated. This is still in the early stages of a major on-going disaster.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil spill....Wake-up call? The signs for change???

   So , it's been 37 days of continous oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico. A few weeks ago I made a comment on My Facebook page.
"Its been 20+ days yet, oil is still leaking into the gulf. Perhaps if BP would concentrate on plugging & sealing the leak instead of trying to recover the oil for it profits, they might actually get something done????

 These oil companies make billions of $$$ each quarter....each quarter! That's all profit! You would believe that some of this profit would include emergency response technology funds. They sure did make advancements in deep sea drilling, without modern technology to deal with an major oil spill. Where is this technology?
   But the real sad part is, when its all said and done. BP will only inflate prices and still come out ahead! Take a look at those executives, do they look really worried. No, cause they know society is so depended on fossil fuel and WHEN?? they get this spill under will be business as usual.

With that, so many questions arised......
  • What about the wildlife & its inhabitants?
  • Why was there no emergency plan in place for such an event?
  • What will be the long term damage to the environment?
  • Is it really time to invest our interest in alternative energy?
  • One question that personally has been bugging the heck out of me is....

"Is the oil/petroleum that we retrieve from our earth, have a much more important purpose?"
Mainly, like the oil we use to lubricate our vehicles. Does this oil also have the same purpose on our inner core? And yes, I understand that oil is created from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. Formed of a mixtures of hydrocarbons, compounds of carbon, and hydrogen. But, does this mixture lubricate or cool earths inner core?
If you think about it, while we continously use up this fossil fuel (clearly at a rate we couldn't possible replace). Could this be resposible for our climate change, increased earthquakes or other phenomenals? Just an interesting concept. So I looked over the internet for any related data, very little but I did find a whether engrossing forum on this topic. Take a look.....
What natural purpose does petrolium/oil serve for the Earth!

Lets just pray that this "Top Kill" works....cause this spill is threating to Kill everything on TOP!

Copyright © 2010 Andrew Hayes for SOW Save Our Wildlife Blog. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.