Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 55 ~ Its Sunday, so I'm going to have to take you all to Church for a bit

  Not that I am going to push any faith onto anyone. But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that we can only take so much from this planet before something has to give.

    After millions of years in development, EARTH, has provided us with all that we need to survive. That everything was in its place to sustain ALL of her (earths) inhabitants. But, our greed & ignorance have impacted this planet in such way, that it is really unpredicable what our true outcome will be.

   No matter how you want to look at it, whether from a religious stand point or simply common sense. One can not keep taken from and not give back without expecting it to be abused, cut-off or depleted.

FACT ~ The RAINFORESTS at one time,  roughly covered 14% of this planets land mass; today approx. 6% remains and could very well be depleted within our children lifetime.

Whats really disturbing,  is these are well  documented facts. We humans proceed to act as if she will continue to provide for us. We can not be that blind..or can we????

I am a regular to the Animal Planet & Discovery Channel . Tonight, my son & I were watching Whale Wars . Now, it clear that whales are an endangered wildlife, but despite the clear knowledge about these animals, countries such as Japan still feels it Ok to kill 50 (thats their quota ~ 825 minke whales and 50 sperm whales every year for ten years) sperm whales under a scientific permit.  A  proposal they issued to themself for  science experiments. So, they say!

But, if you know something is on the verge of extinction, why than would you proceed to kill more??? 

Talk about human Greed & ignorance!

This video, I just had to put up to represent ~
 If you don't believe in something, you are sure to fall for anything. Does this oil spill resemble biblical prophesy? Can that redish of the oil sheen be interpreted as blood?

Whatever your belief, as humans we should be ashamed for not seeing the potential
for disaster long before the Great Gulf Oil spill! I believe at the very least,
this should be a wake-up call

This weekend BP was issue a statement by the US Coast Guard, to come up with plan that would speed up this oil recovery/plug. This has to be turn over by Monday (they originally had 48hrs) BPs response was "We will double our efforts" ??? My reaction was, double your effort as oppose to what. Its going on day 56, shouldn't they already be in like triple speed mode????

Things that make you go uummm?

I just had to add some conspiracy to the mix. So I found this. I wouldn't
 take it to lightly though, cause you never know.
When we least suspect it........

I would like to send my thoughts, prayer & condolences to the families & friends of those who lost their lives in this weekends flash floods that swept through an Arkansas Campground

Search for Bible Disasters

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