Saturday, December 24, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Last seen.....
Here are some wildlife animal that have NOT been seen since.......
The Great Auk ~ last seen 1852
Broad-Faced Potoroo ~ last seen 1875
Marsupial Wolf ~ last seen 1936
Dodo ~ last seen 1665
Steller's Sea Cow ~ last seen 1768
Reference -Can We Save the Tiger by Martin Jenkins
Top 10 Animals that could be extinct in 10 years:
according to WWF
- Polar bears
- Pacific Walrus
- Magellanic Penguin
- Leatherback Turtle
- Bluefin Tuna
- Mountain Gorilla
- Monarch Butterfly
- Javan Rhinoceros
- Giant Panda
Friday, August 12, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Endangered Species
Endangered Species ~
Is an population of animals or plants that because of changing environmental circumstances, human carelessness (hunting, pollution), strinking natural habitats and/or of its few numbers, risk becoming exinct!
No longer to be seen LIVE on this earth! NEVER......GONE 4ever!
It is estimated that over 25,000 species (animals & plant life) become extinct each year.
by AnimalsAreGreat247
Is an population of animals or plants that because of changing environmental circumstances, human carelessness (hunting, pollution), strinking natural habitats and/or of its few numbers, risk becoming exinct!
No longer to be seen LIVE on this earth! NEVER......GONE 4ever!
It is estimated that over 25,000 species (animals & plant life) become extinct each year.
by AnimalsAreGreat247
As of 2011, there are 1,170 animals species worldwide that are endangered, half of which reside in the United States.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Interpretation........Jesus is coming back to US
One of these days the skies gonna break and everything will escape and I'll know
One of these days the mountains are gonna fall into the sea and they'll know
That you and I were made for this, I was made to taste your kiss, we were made to never fall away
Never Fall Away
One of these days letters are gonna fall from the sky telling us all to go free
But untill that day I'll find a way to let everybody know that you're coming back (mmm) you're coming back for me
Cause even though you left me here I have nothing left to fear, these are only walls to hold me here
Hold me here, hold me here, hold me here
Only walls that hold me here
One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon and we will hear these planes overhead and we won't have to be scared
Cause we won't have to be scared
Cause we won't have to be scared
You're coming back for me
You're coming back to me
Come Back to me
One of these days the mountains are gonna fall into the sea and they'll know
That you and I were made for this, I was made to taste your kiss, we were made to never fall away
Never Fall Away
One of these days letters are gonna fall from the sky telling us all to go free
But untill that day I'll find a way to let everybody know that you're coming back (mmm) you're coming back for me
Cause even though you left me here I have nothing left to fear, these are only walls to hold me here
Hold me here, hold me here, hold me here
Only walls that hold me here
One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon and we will hear these planes overhead and we won't have to be scared
Cause we won't have to be scared
Cause we won't have to be scared
You're coming back for me
You're coming back to me
Come Back to me
by Civil Twilight - Letters From The Sky
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Still Lovin' my wildlife friends........
Yes, its been a bit. Busy on my other sites. Close to end of the school year for Andreas. Simply, plenty going on, Life.......huh?
Just wanted to drop a few lines, hope this summer we all can get out and do a little something GOOD for our environment & wildlife conservation. ( Whale wars- SAVE the whales HERE.....yeah baby!)
Its heating up already......>>Read up on it HERE<<
Hope everyone have a most beautiful day. Looking to get back into some uplifting & informative blogging!
Just wanted to drop a few lines, hope this summer we all can get out and do a little something GOOD for our environment & wildlife conservation. ( Whale wars- SAVE the whales HERE.....yeah baby!)
Its heating up already......>>Read up on it HERE<<
Hope everyone have a most beautiful day. Looking to get back into some uplifting & informative blogging!
Heres A Good wildlife video
"I believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest." --John Buchan
Peace"I believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest." --John Buchan
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
African about life ~ Both Big cats & humans
Yes, I did go see "African Cats" this weekend with my son. Why wouldn't I? You know I love bigs cats. Love the cinematographic. And of course, the main characters.....lions & cheetahs. Sadly missed, were the tigers! Maybe thats next...hints!
It was interesting to watch my son soak in all the wonder of life in this movie. As my son, he watched plenty of wildlife show with dad.
Seeing as we recognized that this was the big screen version of "Big Cats Diary" from the BBC wildlife show on Animal planet, but he was really enjoying & learning.
The interactactions of the adults & cubs, closely mimicking our human life. Surviving & protecting! As I explained to him later, even though (Sitas) the mother cheetahs cubs were young & playful. It was equally important for them to learn the survival tactic of their environment & elements.
Our childlren sometimes don't fully understand the importance of education and its benefits to surviving on this planet. He definitely put a piece of the puzzle together as a result of this show.
Big ups. and yet, another movie showcasing our wildlife!!! Yayyyy
It was interesting to watch my son soak in all the wonder of life in this movie. As my son, he watched plenty of wildlife show with dad.
Seeing as we recognized that this was the big screen version of "Big Cats Diary" from the BBC wildlife show on Animal planet, but he was really enjoying & learning.
The interactactions of the adults & cubs, closely mimicking our human life. Surviving & protecting! As I explained to him later, even though (Sitas) the mother cheetahs cubs were young & playful. It was equally important for them to learn the survival tactic of their environment & elements.
Our childlren sometimes don't fully understand the importance of education and its benefits to surviving on this planet. He definitely put a piece of the puzzle together as a result of this show.
Big ups. and yet, another movie showcasing our wildlife!!! Yayyyy
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Things you can do for your EARTH on "EARTH DAY" and beyond!
With Earth Day fast appoaching, we really need to pay close attention to what is happening around us. Our planet is in dire need of help. One person can make a difference if you only try.
Serious issues with our planet!
1) Wildlife Extinction ~ 25% of our wildlife is threaten to be extict, 1 in 4! Again, what are we leaving our childrens children? Not to leave out the lasting effect on humans. (We ALL have a purpose, there MUST be a balance). Many people fail to realize just how interconnected all species on this planet really are.
2) Deforestation of the Rain Forest ~ Between May 2000 and August 2006, Brazil lost nearly 150,000 square kilometers of forest and since 1970, over 232,000 square miles of Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.
-- Tropical forests regulate global and regional climate-systems by acting as heat and water pumps. They release moisture into the atmosphere which returns to the ground as rain.
-- Scientists now say that the rainforest ecosystem in the Brazilian Amazon is a net absorber of carbone dioxide, and helps to protect the earth against the greenhouse effect.
-- Tropical forests cover only twelve percent of the land-area of the Earth, yet they are home to between 50 and 90 percent of the world's species.
-- Rainforests are a vital source of medicines. Today, less than 1 percent of the worlds tropical forest plants have been tested for pharmaceutical properties, yet a quarter of all modern medicines came originally from rainforests.
-- Rainforests also offer a bounty of foods. Foods that we use today which originated in rainforests include coffee, cocoa, many fruits and nuts, spices, rice, and other products such as rubber, gums, resins, dyes, tannins and cane. Of an estimated 75,000 edible plants found in nature, only 150 enter world commerce and only 20 (mostly domesticated cereals) stand between human society and starvation. 3) Polar Sea Ice Loss ~ Scientific American warns that “human fingerprints have been detected” on both the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
4) Decreasing fish Stock ~ Per the World Resource Institute ~ Millions of people across the world depend upon fish as a major staple in their diet. Fish are an important element of the human food supply, and fishing is an important factor in global employment. Current harvest trends and fishery conditions put both of these at risk.
5) Over Population ~ As our population and needs grow, we are leaving less and less room for wildlife. It took nearly all of human history – from the first days of man on earth until the early 1800’s – to reach a global population of 1 billion. In just 200 years, we’ve managed to reach 6.5 billion.
It is so very important to do the RIGHT THINGS NOW!
Here are a few action that you can take to do your part:
- Turn down the heat
- Carpooling
- Travel ecologically
- Avoid using standby settings on your electronics
- Buy reusable, recycle, avoid plastic bags
- Print on both sides of paper
- Do something to protect of Rainforest
- Do something, anything to protect our exotic (wildlife) animals
- Don't leave water running
- Ride a bike (going to your local store, do you work close to home)
- Collect old battery
- Care for our water supply
Pay attention to the way you consume - Everything you buy, eat and use has come from the EARTH. Be aware of how, when, where and what you do with them!
Not sure what you can do ~ 50 Ways to Save the Earth
by Anne Jankeliowitch & Philippe Bourseiller
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Is Hollywood helping bring Wildlife preservation to world attention? Yay!
Recently took my son to the movies "Dairy of a wimpy 2 Kid, Rodrick rules", funny but I'm just a big kid anyway.
Anyhow, as we are watching the previews, it came to my attention that an awful lot of them involved animals. Now, I've known that animals & children increase the "appeal factor" of shows & movies. But, when "RIO" was playing, it hit me...Hollywood is actually helping put the wildlife preservation plight in the lime light! HOORAY!
Of course, its two folds, they will make $$$$, but rest a sure, big $$$$ are going to help our wildlife.
Anyhow, as we are watching the previews, it came to my attention that an awful lot of them involved animals. Now, I've known that animals & children increase the "appeal factor" of shows & movies. But, when "RIO" was playing, it hit me...Hollywood is actually helping put the wildlife preservation plight in the lime light! HOORAY!
Of course, its two folds, they will make $$$$, but rest a sure, big $$$$ are going to help our wildlife.
I know many of you will go see "African Cats", others please attend and help support these big cats habitats. This "Earth Day" April 22 & 26, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
If ONE person.............
If ONE person just took the time to make a difference.....WILL you ALSO be that ONE person! :^)
Why should you be that ONE?
- Climate change, pollution, destruction of rain-forests (deforestation) , major wildlife habitats, the decline & extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants.......really, need more be said?
- Get our governments to decide that wild species and our environment will not be allowed to compete with special interest groups or industrial lobbyists >>>
This song, by Sade "Pearl' is one of my fav. For the last few days now, this song has been echoing in my head???
My guess, is the relationship to Africa's wildlife, the struggle of females ( like our wildlife, they are way way under appreciate for their TRUE VALUE to our society! Thats a whole nother blog in its entirety)
Really listen & feel the words......its pure passion!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
2nd Annual Wildlife Photo Contest - Understanding radioactivity levels -
Why should/do we need to SAVE & PROTECT our remaining wildlife population!
SIMPLE........Explanation of Radioactivity levels
Japan levels rises..........
Monday, March 21, 2011
What can you do? HELP ASSIST JAPAN
As we mingle along our everyday life. As the days lingle on..........
It will become easier to forget just how devastating this event is. As the media continues to run footage of this disaster over our airwaves......we will become numb to real issues that will exist for years to come. The human beings.........children, mothers, fathers, sons & daughters. the elderly, sick & yes the animals that will NEED to recover well beyond our sights and sounds.
Please keep a vigilant heart & mind for the people of Japan --- whos to say it can't happen to anyone of us!
Japan Nuclear Meltdown Earthquake Tsunami Tokyo Diary 2011 March 21, Monday
Earthquake Tsunami Tokyo Diary 2011 March 18, Friday
One final note: As these events have unfolded this last week. I'm reminded of my thoughts as a child........
that this is the only known planet that supports our way of LIVING ( Air,water & soil for food). When will we see ( realize) just how embryonic humans begins & animals are in the big scope of life. Any day an event much much greater than what has happened in Japan, could strike anywhere on this planet.............Yet, everyday humans massacre, brutalize one other over selfishness & greed. We all live on just one planet. When............will we become humanize! What will it take for us to comprehend..... "We are all just fragile begin"
My prayers go out to us all
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
WWF HAPPY 50th........
Thank you WWF World Wildlife Fund for all the years of dedication to the survival of not only our wildlife but also our planet!
Fifty years ago, a small but dedicated group of concerned scientists, naturalists and other leaders joined together to found World Wildlife Fund and our mission to save our Earth's wildlife from extinction.
In its first year, WWF focused on five projects that included work with the bald eagle, the Hawaiian sea bird, the giant grebe of Guatemala, the Tule goose in Canada and the red wolf in the southern United States. Today, five decades later, WWF's work has expanded to more than 11,000 projects in 130 countries.
Visit WWF and help the next 50 year>>>
Excerpts included from the documentary film The Tiger Next Door, a film by Camilla Calamandrei, copyright 2009 Rolling River Films.
My Wildlife artwork & collectibles >>>
Saturday, February 26, 2011
In earlier blogs entries, I wrote that this oil spill will continue to do damage long after the site is plugged.
Is this a result of that spill???
Is this a result of that spill???
Friday, February 11, 2011
Online College Degrees picks my blog as one of their top 100 animal perservation blog.
Stop by site to see some very great animal welfare blogs.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Animals can not speak for themselves........Will we as humans step up?
To a PERSON whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the person who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any person were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime. ~Romain Rolland, Nobel Prize 1915
Friday, January 7, 2011
Make your New Years resolution to help protect our wildlife.
In an earlier stage of our development most human groups held to a tribal ethic. Members of the tribe were protected, but people of other tribes could be robbed or killed as one pleased. Gradually the circle of protection expanded, but as recently as 150 years ago we did not include blacks. So African human beings could be captured, shipped to America and sold. In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today. Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speciesist ethic of the era of factory farming, of the use of animals as mere research tools, of whaling, seal hunting, kangaroo slaughter and the destruction of wilderness. We must take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics. ~ Pete Singer
LET'S DO OUR PART.............
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday and the new year has started off with many blessings. This year I have a new toy. I'm going mobile! YAY.....! Which means I will be able to blog a lot more. Look for more info on what's happen in the world of "Endangered Wildlife." Looking forward to doing my little part.
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