Thursday, July 15, 2010

What a wonderful world.......

   My last few post have included an ugly side of earth......what remains of humans selfishness to abid by natures true beauty. Sometimes we must see, experience the negative to fully understand and enjoy the real beauty this planet provides us.

Almost three entire months has past, and I pray that this latest attempt to suppress the oil spill in gulf is successful. What will be left is to minimize the environmental damage to this regions. Which sad to say, will take years if not decades (look at the 1989 Alaska Exxon Valdez oil spill) to recover from. The real question, that only time will answer is......what true damage was done?

Let us remember that old quote ~ 
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
May our childrens children be fortunate to witness earth true beauty!

What a wonderful world

Text 20222 ~ Help double the TIGER population ~ Text 20222

Most beautiful world

Monday, July 5, 2010

Worst environmental disaster? What will we learn this time.......

   It is 77 days into an event, that stands to cause the worst environmental camality we humans have cause our planet, since.....well, the atom bomb!

   While the powers to be, dribble back & forth....who's to blame, what actions to take, testing skimmer ships (why do we need to test ships build to do the very thing their build for????). This region of water & wildlife continues to deteriorate.

  I am in awe, at these lack of urgency towards this leak, especially after 77 days! After thousands of wildlife deaths & millions of gallons of pollutants contaminating our waters.

  • Is anyone really monitoring the air quality in the area or its effects?

  • What about the underwater plump?  
   When does BP, decide that they need to cap this well, as oppose to trying to salvage it.  I'm a believer that it is the responsibilty of the company for its own mess. As well, as the consequences for their companies actions. 

   In this case, pertaining to the earlier days of the accident, I do feel that it should have allowed BP to do it job in containing and correcting its own clean-up.

    I know that I wouldn't want an outsider coming into my business, telling me what to do. We have laws that would fine and/or imprison me for what infringments my companies causes. Which I sure BP will become privy to.

But, it comes a time when the government has to step in an command action. WOW, 77 days!

   Of course, we do have to understand that these are the same people that have shares or investments in said company. So part of whats coming on is in fact, greed!

   We ALL.... are going to have pay, in some form or another. What we take from these events will I hope not only teach us some lessons on how fragile life really is but hopefully prevent another disaster that could very well cripple wildlife and human life.

   I do applaud, the many volunteers, all the activist that have sat out on their mission to do what they can to assist in this environmental emergency, our hats off to you!

The Message

The effect.....

Worst envirmental disaster.....?

What about the air quailty?