The last couple of entries has really put a emphasis on what we as human being can do to this planet.
How much more can we do to damage the very planet that sustains all our species of life. I am constantly amazed with all the intelligence we as humans have been gifted with, we still clouds our minds with such greed & ignorance.
First, the latest estimates on the amount of oil pouring into the Gulf is now 5x that of originally forecasted by BP. This does not include the re-calculations based upon the new High definition (HD) camaras now being viewed by scientist. Which could mean 42 million to 84 million gallons of oil has been leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.
Many times in my life, when I was heading down the wrong path, I received signs. Now, I am not talking burning bush type signs, but little hints that I needed to try a different avenue. Choose a differnt way of doing something. This oil spill, I pray is a sign to us, that we have got to back ourselve up. And reevaluate what we are doing to this planet.
The prudential for this disaster to reach catastrophic proportion is knocking at our door.
How many more of these corperate sponsored disaster will it take before this planet is put into an out of control tail spin towards an apocalyptic event.
Now, after a few days of these entries, its easy to get lost in all the negativity of these oil spill. This is an ulgy sight, thats for sure. The sooner we get this under control the better, thats for sure.
But, lets not forget the beauty that must be shown, so that we can get an understanding about what we could be losing. What we are destroying. What we are tearing apart from our childrens future. The fact remains, is this is the only planet we know, that we have access to, that sustain our way of living. "I guess now, we just need to figure out how to live in a way that is sustainable to our planet"
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