Sow by definition -To scatter,spread something around; distribute something over. This blog SOWs information about our Earth condition & its inhabitants. Sow to our children so that they can enjoy planet earths beauty in the future.
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" Every life on Earth deserves a healthy environment and the fundamental benefits that nature provides! "
Sometimes I wonder, what we as intelligent human being......really think when it come to what our future holds for our children, let alone their children. There seems to be this debate about the " real condition, the real state our planet is in. For me It doesn't take charts and ghaph for me to see or even understand, that the environment is weeping. It is strinking, and with this everyone, everything on planet Earth will face the consequences.
When you think about this, I mean, really think about it all. It taking just around two hundred years for this planet to go from an abundance of plants, wildlife & resources to the edge where many species have now or are becoming endangered and even extinct!
"Some 800 animal and plant species have gone extinct in the past five centuries with nearly 17,000 now threatened with extinction," says the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Extinction - means the irreversible loss of a species
Land is being taken from wildlife in order to fulfill modern age advance:
Cities and towns constantly expanding
Rivers & oceans polluted
Our planet is experiencing an unprecedented depletion of our vital resources that , simple put, are the key elements for the survival of all earths inhabitance.
My part is to bring information & insight while also showing the beautiful this world have to offer us. In hopes, that we all see what we could be destorying.
If everyone just spoke of, help here, contribute there, to the plight of our earths' wildlife maybe then our childrens children can see the same beauty our eyes have seen.
Just an ordinary guy, whos been raisng my son solo since he was 16 months old. Peacemaker is a nickname I had from my teenage years. I'm an underdog know, the one who stands with the team thats not suppose to win.....type of guy. Reason for me starting this blog (wanting to do my part in saving our wildlife) because they can not speak for themselves.
I'm a baby boomer, so I can say that I've seen &been through alot in this world.
Jack of all trades , Master of none....LOL!
I do work online, so it would be fitting that I speak/write about a passion for Lions & Tigers, but I also want to bring (SOW) an awareness to the decline in number for many, many others species on this planet.
All in hopes that our childrens children will be able to enjoy the BEAUTY of Earths nature being.
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